Thursday, September 18, 2008

Letter from the Team

Posted below is a letter V-Team sent out to one of their Prayer Teams, before departure to Brazil.
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This is Haiti

We are amped to tell you what God has been doing in Haiti- but words are not enough. The last few days of Haiti were focused a lot on relationship. We played soccer with other missionaries who live nearby, and with a whole bunch of random children in the area. On sunday we visited the orphanage for the last time, and were "schooled" by orphans in a soccer game titled, "Haitians vs. Americans." This time of relationship resulted in us to be prayer warriors for Haiti, and to take time to see His will for us. We found Gods heart for Haiti in Hosea ( the passage on the video). Haiti is known for its voodoo and idol worship. We found in scripture that God was calling Haiti back from prostitution, and rescuing them one by one. Each day and night we saw Gods hand and victory in Pignon- by stopping voodoo countless times, and through hearts being won over one by one. We have no idea if anyone came to accept Jesus as their King, but daily we saw God fight for Haiti. It was much different than we thought- because it didn't involve as much working as we had anticipated, but the Lords will was done with all of us, because each day we met with Him, and found that God had purpose for Haiti, and the people around. Places like this often seem lost and dark- which is true... But what we found was that God loves the Haitian people, and is coming back for them.

We flew safely to Port Au Prince- and stayed at our Missionary brothers and sisters house- Michael and Karen. The blessing stood with this home. They took us in again, and provided for all our needs. On the flight to Port Au Prince ( a 20 minute flight) every one of us began to experience some kind of sickness. With fevers and congestion, it was really nice to stay in a comforting, safe place. We even had internet access, warm water, and... the XBOX 360 too! It is weird though, because suddenly we weren't as interested in the XBOX as we were before. Sleep, and a shower sounded the best. We have arrived here in Miami, and we are about to embark on the next adventure: Natal, Brazil.

Please pray for good health. It is odd how important miniscule things are when we don't have the comfort of home. We need God and our food to nourish our bodies. We have found that God has been stripping everything from us. God is prepared us in Haiti to do the work and have the relationships in Brazil and on. Please pray that God's will would be done through and in us. We are so excited to see how God will receive glory in Brazil. Pray that we would be able to surrender everything that is keeping us from God- so that God may use us and we may know His will. Thank you for your support everyone. It is so amazing to know that we have the body praying for us- and trust us, we are seeing the fruit of your prayers intimately with God.
May Gods grace be with you all family:)

Warriors of Christ,
Evan Christian Andrew

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