Friday, September 18, 2009

Update from Christian

A few months back, I started this process with a ministry called HCJB out of Colorado Springs. I began pursuing working for them in Quito, Ecuador for the summer 2010. During my visit to their office in the springs, I got to meet a guy named Brandon Cole who had been an MK (missionary kid) with HCJB in Ecuador the majority of his life. He was now interning with them. I also found out that Brandon was a student at JBU, the school I currently attend. I was really excited to hear this. 
   Through our conversation, he told me about his brother, also a student at JBU, was currently in Echador working with a few different ministries. Brandon told me that I should meet his brother this fall and maybe talk to them both about HCJB. 
   After my meeting that day, I started the application process but I was taking it slow. As I was praying about everything, I felt the Lord telling me to put the app on hold for a while, just rest with this.
    Fast forward a month or so to me being in Arkansas...I was starting to feel a bit unsure with the whole thing. Was I supposed to stop pursuing? I wanted to wait it out though, atleast until I got to school and saw some of the opportunities JBU offered. During registration, I signed up to join a 'passion group', basically bible study/guys group. The passion groups wouldn't get organized for about a month or so. 
    Fast forward about a week ago now. I was really starting to doubt whether or not I needed to just email HCJB and call it all off, but God told me to be patient. So I prayed about it for the next few days. 
    Last Tuesday, I got an email saying that that night there was gonna be a ' meet your passion group' event. When I got to the thing, I went and looked up what group I was in and theN I went to meet my leader. His name is Brian. Within a couple minutes of talking with him, I realized that I already knew who he was. Brian was Brandon's brother. When I realized this, I asked him if I could share with him a little story...and I told him all a out what God was doing this last summer. 
    I had gone to the passion group thing that night with the intention of telling my leader, after meeting him, that I was to busy to be involved and that I wasn't gonna do it. But from the moment I met Brian, I felt God was speaking to me. This was one of the ways He wants to communicate with me about next summer. I know that Brian being my passion group is not a coincedence. Gid had His hand in the whole thing. 

1 comment:

Kelley J. Leigh said...

No way!! That is so awesome!!