Thursday, July 30, 2009

The last post...

yeah, the last post was posted by me, EVAN STOOKEY!


"Father, the hour has come..." John 17:1 (Jesus)

Already things are happening here! I really am starting to believe that God has plans for everyones lives. So far I have been here for a week or so, a lot of the time searching for places to live with my family. The rest of the time has been taken up by hanging out with family spread across california- seeing what there is to see and enjoying their company. This has been a blast to see them and catch up with them! Southern California is beautiful and there is no place like it. I am in love with this weather right now, and I am excited about making new friends and jumping into a whirlwind of new culture and experiences.

So far there is no success with finding a place to live. Not a clue:) but strangely I am at peace against all human nature (and this is because of something supernatural). I have learned here so far that if I focus on my circumstances, then I am done for. Because this is probably not going to get any easier. Once school and a full time job kicks in God is going to be my only hope for strength, joy and remaining true to my REAL purpose on earth! Already though, God is remaining faithful to His word. I am learning to take Him at His word and leap out in faith that He is who He says He is. This so far has been amazing as I am humbled before God and how incredible He is- then seeing how He always carries through with promises He makes in the bible. His words to us of love, comfort, protection and providence are all I have right now. I feel peace, like I am on the raging sea like Peter, and Jesus is faithfully walking on the chaos of my life. I am humbled before God in this time.

My family is amazing. I am so happy to be close to them here in California, although I had to say goodbye to my immediate family (who are soo important to me). That sucks, but I am realizing that God has a plan for me in this time and I need to drink that entire cup to the very last drop. I love my family here in California- and I am very excited to spend time with them and love them in any way I can! Thank you for staying tuned. Your prayers are invaluable. I cannot explain how much it means tome!!!!

Please pray
- I would be the fragrance of Christ here
- I would have more and more faith
- Christ would be everything to me, all my hope and security
- I would be obedient in this time
- He would give me strength to keep seeking Him
- I would shed all that is slowing me down

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Spiders of Canaan Farm

Just thought we'd give you a little visual of some of the creatures we lived with back in December. Enjoy.
